Friday, August 14, 2009


Yikes. A lot is going on. The wife is potentially about to go into a triple-stacked employment situation. I'm also going like gangbusters with the writing, despite the fact that I've slowed up a bit. My word count is my word count, but depth of the characters has really begun to develop. I'm trying to stay away from flat characterization attached to two-dimensional background, i.e. just a series of things that happened to them yesterday, the day before, and the day before, yadda yadda yadda.

I'm likin' the new job, still adjusting. Though, the gods do bless me. I got to work with an awesome geek-girl at the last job, now I get to work with another one. A Whedonite, at that.

Oh yeah, after a year of dutifully hauling me in and out of the North Georgia 'mountains', the truck's clutch system kicked. It hurts. A lot. But, yay for in-town jobness and a city transit system. It's actually been quite nice to take the bus. I get to walk about a mile's worth of varying hilly terrain, and get work about an hour early, which means I'm catching up on my reading. The bus passes are a bit more expensive than I had hoped, but lots of friends have been willing to give me rides at various times, so it's been fairly worth it thus far. And boy-oh-boy do you get a glimpse at a slice life riding the bus.

On a personal note, getting more into Krav Maga on the martial arts front. Teaching the wife some Muy Thai and the basics of KM. Tai Chi is going well, though I'm mixing Chen and Yang style quite readily. We've been walking 2-3 miles 3-5 times a week as well. I've been doing tons of push-ups and sit-ups, too. I'm slowly, but surely, working myself back into a state of physical fitness. I pretty much have to if I expect to get back on the ball with Capoeira and actually start advancing. Blegh.

I could keep rambling at length, but I'll choose to quit now. Leave some for later or something, heh.

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